


2024 Final Standings

13-16 Division

Red Sox5112.333
White Sox3141.194

* Clinched 1st round bye

** Wins head to head


June 8, 2024

  • Yankees 10
  • Dodgers 5

Upcoming Games

June 11, 2024



Sparks Babe Ruth
Approved Instructors:

Approved Instructors!
Ron Sparks

Sparks Babe Ruth
Baseball Partners:

Baseball Palace
Baseball Palace

Visit us on Facebook!

Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Park and Rec Gotta love baseball!! Sparks Dodgers - Main Division Sparks Giants - Prep Division Red Sox vs. Braves-Main Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Giants - Prep batter Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Mets - Main Division Sparks Dodgers - Prep Division Sparks Babe Ruth Snack Bar Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Sparks Babe Ruth Home Plate Spanish Springs High School R.O.T.C. Surprise Arizona Youth Baseball Facility Press box Or birds eye view Spring Training Facility of the KC Royals Representing NEVADA - Battle born! I'm comfy! I'm hustling, I'm hustling Coach! Prepared to pitch! front of the stadium Through The fence Shaking Hands with Arizona Baseball! Get on the bag!
...waiting, waiting, waiting Part 2
WolfPack! A Fan!! Representing NEVADA - Battle born! I'm comfy! I'm hustling, I'm hustling Coach! Prepared to pitch! front of the stadium Through The fence Shaking Hands with Arizona Baseball!

Golden Eagle Regional Park

Don Mello Sports Complex

2024 Sparks Babe Ruth Baseball News

October 25, 2024: Welcome to Sparks Babe Ruth Baseball!

The 2024 Sparks Babe Ruth Fall baseball season is about to end and it's been a blast! There was fun to be had by all and in some cases, much to learn for a few. Adapting to the bigger field for a few younger players can be challenging but that's what Fall baseball is all about! We plan to go out with a bang and in celebration of halloween, and we ask each player to dress up in their favorite halloween costume this Sunday, October 27! Of course, we will still play our final few games so please ensure your costumer allows movement and is safe to play in! Wear a mask, helmet, or full costume if you like but most importantly, HAVE FUN! See the information below:

Halloween 2024

Please note, Spring registration will begin immediately starting January 2025. Check back here for details (and discounts) soon! Also, we are looking for volunteers to assist the Board of Directors in varying capacities. Please come to our next board meeting if you can volunteer and be involved in the best Babe Ruth community baseball organization of Northern Nevada!

If you have any questions regarding Sparks Babe Ruth Baseball/Babe Ruth National program please send an email to League Player Agent, Kay Russell from our "about us" page!

Our next SBR board meeting is scheduled for November 18, 2024 - 6:00 PM at the Round Table Pizza (Sparks Galleria). COME ONE, COME ALL!!! We encourage the public to attend. We would appreciate any/all volunteers to please join our Board of Directors for a good cause!!!


The Sportsmanship code of Babe Ruth League Baseball:

  • Develop a strong healthy body, mind and soul
  • Develop a strong urge for sportsmanlike conduct
  • Develop understanding of and respect for the rules of the game
  • Develop courage in defeat, tolerance and modesty in victory
  • Develop control over emotions and speech
  • Develop spirit of cooperation and team play
  • Develop into real, true citizens